SFOHA's logo of a space-suited dog listening to a grammaphone

Science Fiction Oral History Association's Latest Activities

The Science Fiction Oral History Association (SFOHA) is a an active, international association. We always welcome contributions of any kind of audio or video recording to our archives. Here is a selection of some of the items that have recently been acquired.

Recent Aquisitions


Worldcon GoH Speeches
    Steven H. Silver donated a CD with MP3s of the Guest of Honor Speeches from Loncon II in 1965 (Brian Aldiss), Heicon in 1968 (Robert Silverberg), Iguanacon in 1979 (Harlan Ellison), Chicon 2000 (Ben Bova) and Noreascon IV in 2004 (Terry Pratchett).

Synthetic ConFusion (2006), Troy, Michigan

    Vernor Vinge - Interviewed by Chad Childers Friday January 20, 2006 Synthetic ConFusion
    90 minute cassette tape, sides A and B
    Recorded by Chad Childers

    Vernor Vinge -Reading
    90 minute cassette tape, Side A
    Recorded by Chad Childers

    Nature of Singularity (panel)
    Vernor Vinge, Eric Raymond, Karl Schroeder, Tobias Buckell
    90 minute cassette tape, Sides A & B
    Recorded by Chad Childers

    Getting from Here to There (Panel)
    90 minute cassette tape, Sides A & B
    Recorded by Chad Childers

    Mitchell Burnside Clapp
    Interviewed by David Rozian
    Recorded by Chad Childers (on Tape) and Tim Ryan (on Ipod 20060122-120051M.mp3)

    Heather Alexander Interview with Tom Smith
    Interviewed by Steve Simmons?
    Recorded by Tim Ryan
    Recorded on IPOD Recorder, Burned onto CD 20060121-140513M.mp3

    Chuck Roast
    Taped by Mike Gardiner

Aggiecon (2006), College Station, TX

    Panel: Writing 101
    Steven Brust, David Carren, Bill Crider
    March 24, 2006

    Steven Brust in Concert
    Guitar and voice, recorded from the audience.
    March 24, 2006

    Panel: Designing Better Humans
    Steven Brust, Todd McCaffrey, Mark Finn
    March 25, 2006

    Panel SF/F & Religion
    Steven Brust, Todd McCaffrey, Rei Sheridan, Mark Finn.
    March 26, 2006

Penguicon 4.0 (2006), Livonia, MI

    Presentation: The History of Google, The Summer of Code Program, and Google Mars
    Chris DiBona
    April 22, 2006

Balticon 40 (2006), Baltimore, MD
    Peter Beagle and Neil Gaiman, conversation moderated by Jim Mcabe
    May 27, 2006

    Neil Gaiman, Readings and Q & A
    May 28, 2006

    Lorraine a Malena concert
    Lorraine Garland (fiddle and voice), Malena (voice), Adam Stemple (guitar and voice)
    May 28, 2006


CONFUSION: Chad recorded David Hartwell, an interview, What Makes a Book Good, Repairing Hubble on Audio Tape video tape: Opening ceremonies and concert.


We recorded a panel and a reading by Neil Gaiman at Mythcon 35 in Ann Arbor the first weekend in August, 2004. SFOHA had our annual meeting at ConFusion, and recorded some panels as well:

Geri Sullivan panel (partial 14 minutes)

Science Fiction as a Turn of Phrase (panel)
Saturday, January 24 4:00 pm

Non-Human Story Characters (panel)
Saturday, January 24, 3:00 pm

We also received a Mike Stackpole interview from Terry O'Brien from Origins 2004 on DVD. 2 recordings of Howard Devore 9-18-05 5-19-05

SFOHA Catalog

The 1998 version of the SFOHA Archive Catalog is online here. It is organized mainly by Series, which were often focused on the person recording, or somesuch. We are working on getting a fully searchable database set up.

We do not have permission to distribute all of these recordings, but many of them are already present at deposit collections at University Libraries in Michigan, Kansas, and New Mexico. We are currently working with librarians at those locations to confirm what their holdings are and how the public can access them.



Last updated June 14, 2006

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