O R A L   H I S T O R Y   A S S O C I A T I O N                                         

The series ER is for early recordings made before 1960. 

Side A.  In 1949 Neil R. Jones was an invited guest of the Cinvention, the World Science Fiction convention held in Cincinnati, but was unable to attend.  He sent the convention a recorded speech to play.  The talk is primarily about Jones' military experience during World War II and is 15 minutes long. 

Apparently Jones recorded it at home on a Home Transcription Disc Machine.  The speech was on three discs which play on a standard 78 rpm phonograph.  Jones sent them to Don Ford, who was Chairman of the convention, and they are now in the possession of Don's widow, Margaret Keifer.  She kindly permitted copies to be made, and they were copied onto tape by Curt Phillips, an electronics technician, who has offered to copy onto tape any other old recordings of interest to the SFOHA in obsolete or non-standard formats.

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