SFOHA Series MSU consists
of tapes that for several years, early in the organization's existence,
were placed in the Voice Library at Michigan State University for safekeeping.
While they were there, Dr. Maurice Crane, head of the Voice Library,
added tapes with a science fiction interest that were made on the campus,
and he kindly permitted SFOHA to reclaim these along with our own tapes.
Copies of all of these tapes, along with the remainder of the SFOHA
Archives, have now been placed in the MSU Voice Library.
Early in the SFOHA's existence,
its continuation seemed doubtful; for a time it was without a
president, and it was during this period that MSU kindly safeguarded
our tapes and assisted in a number of ways, one of special value being
to permit the use of its high speed copying machine.
While the tapes were in MSU's
possession, some work was done on cataloging them, and a student assistant
listened to many of the tapes. Some of the tape commentary in
this series and the timing indicated for items on the tapes comes from
that student's work. The tapes have been renumbered to conform
with our own classification system.
MSU--1 (90)
Both Sides. AutoClave
Banquet, July 23, 1977. Jon Singer, Toastmaster; Don A. Thompson,
Pro Guest of Honor; Don D'Ammassa, Fan Guest of Honor. GoH
speeches, with presentation of fan awards.
MSU--2 (90)
Side A. Isaac Asimov, formal speech, "Utopian Change." This was the Eisenhower Symposium Lecture delivered at Johns Hopkins University, March 3, 1974. Very good audio.
Side B. Conclusion
of Asimov Talk. Q&A. Total 55 minutes. Followed
by Joanna Russ discussing the literary scene, no place or date given.
35 minutes. Poor audio.
MSU--3 (60)
Side A. Lloyd Biggle, Jr., GoH speech, ConFusion 14, Ann Arbor Inn, January, 1977. Biggle discusses his musical background, with examples of his own compositions and an excerpt from a tape of a concert performance he took part in as a clarinetist. Two songs written by Biggle (performed by the EMU Madrigal Singers) are copied onto the beginning of Side A (they occur again in the course of the speech.)
Side B. Conclusion
of speech, followed by the recording of the EMU Madrigal singers performing
during the convention banquet.
MSU--4 (90)
Both Sides. Kate Wilhelm,
interviewed by Paula Smith and Sharon Rhine. ConFusion Pi, January,
MSU--5 (90)
Side A. Stan Schmidt interview. Interviewer unidentified. Q&A. Conclave II, Romulus, MI, October, 1977.
Side B. Blank.
MSU--6 (90)
Side A. Discussion with two SF fans who are also attorneys, Larry Propp and Alex Berman, "Fandom and the Law." Law and copyright law relating to writing, publishing, and fan activities. 23 minutes. Following this is a panel (members unidentified) on "Blinking Lights," a General Technics discussion of electronics and other matters for hobbyists and would be writers of science and general tech articles. Convention and date not identified. It may have come from ConClave about 1977-78.
Side B. Conclusion
of "Blinking Lights" panel.
MSU--7 (60)
Both Sides. Roger Zelazny,
GoH speech, Marcon VII, Toledo, Ohio, 1972. Introduction by Dannie
Plachta. Conclusion on Side B is very short, about 5 minutes.
MSU--8 (90)
Side A. Alan Dean Foster interview, 3/19/77. Place and occasion not noted; interviewer is not identified.
Side B. Leigh Brackett,
interviewed by Mary Mueller and Howard DeVore at MidwestCon 28, 6/25/77.
Very bad background noise makes tape difficult to understand.
MSU--9 (60)
Both Sides. James Gunn,
GoH Speech at Marcon 10, Columbus, Ohio, 1975. Discussion of his own
MSU--10 (60)
Both Sides. Clifford
Amsbury for the Science Fiction Oral History Association. The
speaker was one of the first--if not the first--science fiction fans.
(Fred Pohl calls him "the first organized fan anywhere.")
He was organizing SF fan clubs back in the 1920s. When SFOHA was
organized, he did this special tape for the archives, giving his thoughts
on SF, fandom, fan organizations and their history, and so on.
This tape probably was made about 1979-80.
MSU--11 (60)
Side A. Gordon R. Dickson and Robert Asprin talk about common sense in the business and inspirational aspects of writing as a career. Conclave II, October, 1977. This material sounds as though it should be the second of two tapes--it contains the ending of a discussion, and it lasts only about 15 minutes on side A. (If so, the first tape never reached SFOHA.) The original 90 minute tape can easily be copied onto a 60 minute tape.
Side B. Blank.
MSU--12 (60)
Both Sides. T. L. (Tom)
Sherred, interviewed by Lloyd Biggle, Jr. with Tom's wife, Mary Lu Sherred.
Suzi Stefl was also present but remained mute, an unusual circumstance.
Sherred discusses the origin of his stories such as "E for Effort"
and how a stroke ended his writing career. Utica, Michigan, December
3, 1977.
MSU--13 (90)
Side A. Hal Clement (Harry Stubbs) at Nova II, 2/5/77. A general question and answer session with Clement and the Nova audience. It is very short, lasts only about 20 minutes.
Side B. Ibid.
Hal Clement Interview, interviewer unidentified. Also about 20
MSU--14 (90)
Side A. Introductory activities at the Science Fiction Convention, ConFusion Pi, January, 1978, with Ro Lutz-Nagy; followed by a panel, "The Care and Feeding of the GoH," moderated by Rusty Hevelin, with Lou Tabakow, Gay Haldeman, and Gordon Dickson. Among subjects discussed are the selection of convention guests of honor, and their compensation (or lack thereof).
Side B. Conclusion
of panel discussion. Q&A.
MSU--15 (90)
Both Sides. "The
Worlds of Theodore Sturgeon." Theodore Sturgeon, interviewed
by Lloyd Biggle, Jr. Conclave III, Romulus, Michigan, 11/4/78.
Sturgeon's early life, his career, and his writings -- including non-SF
writings -- are covered. This interview was scheduled and recorded
by SFOHA for its archives. It includes a song inspired by Sturgeon's
story, "A Saucer of Loneliness," written and performed by
Kittredge Cary; and a song with words and music by Sturgeon, performed
by EMU students. The text for this song appears in Sturgeon's
story, "Thunder and Roses." These songs are also found
on tapes SP--8 and SP--9.
MSU--16 (90)
Both Sides. Conclave
III Banquet, Romulus, MI, 11/4/78. Short songs by the EMU Madrigal
Singers. GoH Speech by Theodore Sturgeon, introduced by Steve
Simmons. Sturgeon's topic: "Miracles and Love."
Speech concludes on Side A. Side B has additional banquet activity
including presentation of awards.
MSU--17 (90)
Side A. Panel, "How to Write SF," with Robert Asprin, Stan Schmidt, Gordon R. Dickson, Ted Reynolds. Conclave III, Romulus, MI, 11/4/78.
Side B. Blank.
MSU--18 (90)
Side A. Fan History: History of the Michigan Misfits, a fan group founded in 1947-48 by Donald Benjamin Singer, with the tale of the organization's staging of the 1959 WorldCon in Detroit. Panel with Howard DeVore, Dean McLaughlin, and Roger Sims. Conclave III, Romulus, MI, 11/4/78.
Side B. Blank.
MSU--19 (90)
Side A. "The Man John W. Campbell," a panel discussion concerning science fiction's legendary editor, with Theodore Sturgeon, Lloyd Biggle, Jr., Murray Yaco, and Stan Schmidt. Conclave III, Romulus, MI, 11/4/78.
Side B. The panel concludes
on Side A. A brief "sign off" ran over onto Side B.
This is one of a series of panels and interviews devoted to John W.
MSU--20 (90)
Both Sides. "Whither
Goest Analog." Stan Schmidt, Analog's new editor (at that
time) interviewed by Howard DeVore and Rusty Hevelin. The interview
extends about five minutes into Side B. Conclave III, Romulus,
MI, 11/5/78.
There follows a short series of four taped interviews
made with professional writers who served as faculty members at the
Clarion Conference, a workshop in science fiction writing held each
summer at Michigan State University. (The Clarion Conference was
originated by Robin Scott Wilson when he was a faculty member at Clarion
College in Pennsylvania. The college dropped the conference when
Wilson left for another position. It was held one year at Tulane
University and then moved to Michigan State University.) MSU faculty
members Maurice Crane and Glenn Wright served as interviewers.
MSU--21 (90)
Both Sides. Interview
with Robin Scott Wilson, conducted by Maurice Crane and Glenn Wright.
MSU Clarion Conference, East Lansing, MI., 7/7/77. Interview runs
only about 8 minutes into Side B.
MSU--22 (90)
Both Sides. Interview
with Harlan Ellison, conducted by Maurice Crane and Glenn Wright.
MSU Clarion Conference, East Lansing, MI., 7/16/77. Interview
runs 28 minutes into Side B.
MSU--23 (90)
Both Sides. Interview
with A.J. Budrys, conducted by Maurice Crane and Glenn Wright.
MSU Clarion Conference, East Lansing, MI., 7/21/77. Interview
runs 28 minutes into Side B.
MSU--24 (90)
Both Sides. Interview
with Peter S. Beagle, conducted by Maurice Crane and Glenn Wright.
MSU Clarion Conference, East Lansing, MI., 7/27/77. Interview
runs 20 minutes into Side B.
MSU--25 (90)
Side A. General Technics Panel for electronics and technical hobbyists. Participants are identified on the panel. Marcon XIV, 3/17/79. This panel is one of a series. Earlier panels were held at ConFusion, in Ann Arbor (Recorded on SFOHA tape MSU--6, entitled, "Blinking Lights"), and at WindyCon in Chicago (not recorded.)
Side B. Blank.
MSU--26 (90)
Both Sides. Marcon
XIV Banquet Activities. 3/17/79. Speeches by fan GoH Fred Haskell
and Pro GoH Katherine Kurtz. The Kurtz speech starts at the end
of Side A and extends through Side B.
MSU--27 (90)
Side A. "Women in SF," a speech by Dorothy Hicks. Time: 25:30. Date and place not known.
Technical: Good quality, a good tape for public playing. Someone plays with the mike about 18 minutes into the speech, which is the one distraction.
Contents: "Women and science fiction are two losers, two underdogs. They need each other." Contrasts women and the female hero in SF past and present. Remarks on the emerging role of women, especially as it relates to fiction and science fiction.
Side B. Alex Panshin, interviewed by telephone by Roger Reynolds for his fanzine, FUTURE FOCUS. Time: 14:50. Date not given.
Technical: First five minutes consist of testing and experimentation with tape played at two different speeds. Background noise as though someone is playing with the recorder or the mike. Would need editing to make a general listening tape.
Contents: Panshin talks
about his own books Rite of Passage and Heinlein in Dimension
and the resulting conflict with Heinlein. Also Panshin's experience
as a fan who won the fanwriter Hugo Award.
MSU--28 (90)
Side A. Fantasy Writer's Panel with Katherine Kurtz, and Andrew Offutt. The tape begins with five minutes of the muddle that is common at conventions: Ross Pavlac makes announcements; Wilson "Bob" Tucker introduces Fred Haskell, Fan GoH, who says a few words. Tucker then introduces Katherine Kurtz, Pro GoH. After her remarks, Tucker introduces the panel. The discussion concerns settings for fantastic fiction based on history, ie, Medieval, Elizabethan; planning stories that will occupy several volumes rather than the single novel with no sequel; and a diversity of related topics. Marcon XIV, 3/17/79.
The final eight minutes are occupied by the beginning of a Fan History panel, Fannish Reminiscences with Bob Tucker and Fred Haskell, concerning Minneapolis Fandom, the growth of Science Fiction Conventions, various individual conventions, the fanzine RUNE. Ibid.
Side B. Conclusion of Fan History panel. Q&A.
Technical: Clarity
on Side A good after panel begins except for occasional fading.
Good throughout on Side B.
MSU--29 (60)
Side A Only. Frederik
Pohl, interviewed by Ed Burrows for Radio Station WUOM. Public
Interview at ConClave III, Romulus, MI, October, 1978.
MSU--30 (90)
Both Sides. "How to
Build an Alien," panel discussion with A.E. Van Vogt, Lynn Abbey,
and Robert "Buck" Coulson. Conclave IV, Romulus, MI,
MSU--31 (90)
Both Sides. Frank Herbert,
speaking at MSU, 7/5/79. "The Future Game," with references
to the Dune Trilogy, SF and Future Visions. 75 minutes.
MSU--32 (60)
Both Sides. Harlan
Ellison reading from his own work. Detroit Triple Fanfare, 1967.
Ellison reads from "!!!The!!Teddy!CCrazy!!Show!!!" and "Shattered
Like a Glass Goblin." Cassett remastered by Charles Oliver
from SFOHA open reel 020. Original is badly distorted; playback
improves if treble is increased.
MSU--33 (90)
Side A. James Gunn, "Science Fiction and the Media," speech given at an Eastern Michigan University Science Fiction Convention (the first in the ConClave series of conventions), held at the EMU Student Union, Ypsilanti, MI, 3/27/76. Gunn discusses his own experiences with the making of the film version of his novel, The Immortals. Cassette remastered by Charles Oliver from the SFOHA open reel 004. 40 minutes.
Side B. Speech by an
unidentified Science Fiction artist. Remastered by
Charles Oliver from SFOHA open reel 022. Some distortion on Side
MSU--34 (90)
Both Sides. Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson in a two-member panel discussing, "The Art, Science, and Combat of Collaboration." ConFusion 14, Ann Arbor Inn, Ann Arbor, MI, January, 1977. Introduction by Jim Martin. Q&A. Pohl and Williamson are veterans of collaboration with other authors--including a series of novels done with each other. They offer rare insights into an activity that seems more common in Science Fiction than with other types of literature. They also discuss problems in writing and in getting published. A valuable tape, excellent for public playing. Time, about 50 minutes.
Note: the original
master is a reel tape, SFOHA Number 003. The 90 minute cassette
master was copied from it. In SFOHA's backup collection of first
copies, the "first copy" of this cassette is actually a second
master, taken from the reel onto a sixty minute cassette by Charles
MSU--35 (60)
Both Sides. Panel,
"How to Interview an Author." Ed Burrows, of Radio Station
WUOM, Frederik Pohl, Gordon Dickson. Joe DeBolt, of Central Michigan
University, Moderator. Subject introduced by Lloyd Biggle, Jr.
ConFusion 14, the Ann Arbor Inn, Ann Arbor, MI, January, 1977, 50 minutes.
Discussion of problems in interviewing from the point of view of both
interviewer and subject. Cassette remastered by Charles Oliver
from SFOHA open reel 008.
MSU--36 (60)
Both Sides. 1st of
2 Tapes taken from 120 Master. "An Evening for James Blish,"
held at the Institute for Contemporary Arts, London, 2/19/76.
James Blish, American Science Fiction writer, died in England on July
30, 1975. This is a recording of a memorial program for him.
The 120 Master was donated to SFOHA by Judy Blish, Mrs. James Blish.
Continued and concluded on MSU--37.
MSU--37 (60)
Both Sides. 2nd of
2 Tapes taken from 120 Master. "An Evening for James Blish,"
concluded from tape MSU--36. The memorial program on these two
tapes is as follows:
Host: Charles Monteith of Faber & Faber, Ltd.
1. Peter Nicholls of the Science Fiction Foundation
2. Andrew Stephenson, Writer and Illustrator,
reading from Dr. Mirabilis.
3. Extract from The Egyptian Helen, by Richard Strauss
4. First recording by Vanguard Records, Toccata Guatemala
5. Mark Adlard, Author
6. Richard Cowper, Writer, reading from A Case of Conscience
7. John Brunner--Poetry
8. Josephine Saxton, Author, reading from unpublished work in progress
9. James Joyce, reading from Finnegans Wake.
10. Bob Shaw, Author
11. James Blish, Guest of Honor Speech (condensed)
delivered at the World Science Fiction Convention, Pittsburgh,
1960. Tape Engineering by Gerald Bishop
Items 38-43 were recorded at the science fiction
convention ConFusion 14, held at the Ann Arbor Inn, Ann Arbor, Michigan,
in January, 1977. It was in association with this convention that the
First Oral History Conference was held, and here the organizing meeting
of the Science Fiction Oral History Association took place. Much of
the serious programming at ConFusion 14 was arranged by the Oral History
Conference. A number of celebrities who had planned to attend
were grounded by a blizzard that hit the Midwest the weekend of the
convention. In fan circles, ConFusion 14 is still referred to
as the "BlizzardCon." Many traveled enormous distances
to attend despite the snow, driving on highways that all the travelers'
bulletins called closed. All of these items were originally recorded
on reels and were remastered on cassettes by Martha Tattan.
MSU--38 (90)
MSU--39 (60)
MSU--40 (60 )
Both Sides. Minneapolis Panel
with Poul Anderson and Gordon Dickson. This panel is a discussion
of the Minneapolis Fantasy Society and its descendants and the activity
that produced an amazing number of prominent SF writers in the Minneapolis
area. Anderson and Dickson were only two of them. Clifford Simak
and Lester Del Rey were scheduled to take part in this panel, along
with other writers; unfortunately, they were unable to attend because
of the blizzard that hit the Midwest that weekend. ConFusion 14/1st
SF Oral History Conference, January, 1977. Remastered by Martha Tattan
from Reel 011.
MSU--41 (90)
Side A. Fan Guest of Honor Speech by Ro Lutz-Nagy with introductions by former Fan Guests of Honor at ConFusion, James Martin, Mike Glicksohn, and Bill Bowers. ConFusion 14, January, 1977. Remastered by Martha Tattan from Reel 012.
Side B. Blank.
MSU--42 (60)
MSU--43 (90)
Both Sides. Pro Guest of
Honor Speech by Poul Anderson, followed by the convention's closing
ceremonies. ConFusion 14, January, 1977. Remastered by Martha Tattan
from Reel 014.
MSU--44 (60)
MSU--45 (60)
MSU--46 (60)
MSU--47 (60)
MSU--48 (60)
MSU--49 (60)
MSU--50 (60)
MSU--51 (60)
MSU--52 (60)
Both Sides. "Ballantine
Science Fiction Hour," probably recorded from a broadcast on 3/3/76.
One of a series of programs with Science Fiction authors discussing
what is in store for man, the Earth, and the Universe. This one
concerns the future of man and the Earth, first with a discussion by
Lester del Rey and Frederik Pohl; then with a panel discussion
including Alan Dean Foster, Larry Niven, and Leigh Brackett. Good
audio. Duplicate of CM--46
MSU--55 (60)
MSU--57 (60)
MSU--58 (60)
MSU--59 (60)
MSU--60 (60)
MSU--61 (60)
MSU--62 (60)
MSU--63 (60)
MSU--64 (60)