Academic: Someone involved in the academic study
or teaching of science fiction or fantasy. Professors of other
subjects who are pros, fans, etc. in their spare time are not identified
as academics.
Artist: Someone who creates graphic art in the
field as a professional.
Fan: Someone involved in the hobby/subculture
of science fiction fandom.
Pro: Someone who writes or edits written science
fiction for money, not necessarily full time.
Publishing: Publishers and their employees other than editors.
Although I used the present tense in the above list,
this catalog follows the principle: Once a fan, always a fan,
once a pro, always a pro, etc. It would be impossible to find
the current state of involvement with science fiction and fandom of
everyone in the catalog who is still living.
A = Author of work performed or read
DR = Designated Reader (Someone reading someone
else's work.)
IE = Interviewee
IP = Incidental Participant
IR = Interviewer
L = Location of event
O = Other
P = Panelist
Per = Performer (Singer, Actor, etc.)
R = Reader
S = Speaker
Abbey, Lynn (Pro)
Ace Books Editorial No. 2 (Promotional material from
Ackerman, Forrest J (Pro, Fan, Agent)
Ad Astra 7, June 1987
Adams, Trudy
Aldeson, John
Aldiss, Brian (Pro)
Amsbury, Clifford (Fan)
Anderson, Karen (Pro, Fan)
Anderson, Poul (Pro, Fan)
IE MISC 33; WB 3
Andrews, Alan
Antieau, Kim (Pro)
Arbur, Rosemarie
Archon 1 1977
Archon 6 1982
Archon 7 1983
Aronson, Mark (Fan)
Asimov, Isaac (Pro, Fan)
Asprin, Robert (Pro, Fan)
Association for the Blind of Western Australia
Atlanta. Worldcon
AussieCon I 1975 (Worldcon: Melbourne)
Author's Corner (Radio Program)
Autoclave 1977
Badami, Mary Kenny (Academic, Fan)
Baen, James P. (Pro, Publishing)
Bailey, Robin (Pro, Fan)
Ballantine Books Cosmic Classroom (Radio Program)
Ballantine Science Fiction Hour (Radio Program)
Baltimore. Worldcon
Banff International Convention, Banff, Alberta, Canada,
Bankier, Amanda (Fan)
Banks, Iain (Pro, Fan)
Banks, Michael (Fan)
Bankston, John
Barkley, Chris (Fan, Broadcaster)
Barrish, Russ (Publishing)
Barron, William (Movies/TV)
Baskin, Marg
Baum, J. Brown (Friend of Robert E. Howard)
Beagle, Peter S. (Pro)
Beam, Ray (Fan)
Bear, Greg (Pro)
Beauregard, Ed (Fan)
Beck, Martha (Fan)
Bedard, Dorothy (Fan)
Benford, Greg (Pro)
Bentley, Michael
P WS 62
Berman, Alex (Fan, Publishing)
Berman, Ruth (Fan, Pro)
Bernstein, Mark
Berry, Mark
Biggle, Lloyd (Pro)
Bishop, Michael (Pro)
Bixby, James (Pro)
Bledig, Joan
Blish, James (Pro)
Bloch, Robert (Pro, Fan)
Booker, Deloris (Fan)
Booknotes (Radio Program)
Boscot, Ron
Bosky, Bernadette (Fan, Pro)
Boston. Worldcon
Bova, Barbara (Agent)
Bova, Ben (Pro)
Bowers, Bill (Fan)
Boys Own Fanzine Convention, Australia, probably early
Brackett, Leigh (Pro)
Bradbury, Ray (Pro, Fan)
Bradley, Marion Zimmer (Pro, Fan)
Brick, David (Fan)
Bridge, Stephen (Fan)
Brierley, Jane (Translator)
Brighton. Worldcon
Brin, David (Pro)
British Science Fiction Convention, 35th, Brighton,
England, 1984
Brosnan, John (Pro, Film Critic)
Brown, Bob
Brown, Charles (Publishing, Fan)
Brownstein, Stewart (Fan)
Brunner, John (Pro)
Brust, Steven (Pro, Fan)
Bryant, Edward G (Pro)
Bubonicon 15 1983
Bucklin, Nate (Fan, Pro)
Budrys, Algis (Pro, Fan, Academic)
Bujold, Lois McMaster (Pro)
Bukato, Wiktor (Fan)
Bulmer, Kenneth (Pro, Fan)
Burroughs, Jean M
Burrows, Edward G. (Broadcaster)
Burtt, Ben (Movies/TV)
Busby, F.M. (Pro, Fan)
Butler, Leroy (Friend of Robert E. Howard)
Butler, Michael (Fan)
Butler, Rob (Fan)
Calkins, Elizabeth S (Academic)
Campbell, John W. (Pro)
Campbell, Paula (Academic)
Campbell, Ramsey (Pro)
Canvention 7 1987
Card, Orson Scott (Pro, Fan)
Carl, Lillian Stewart
Carr, John L. (Academic)
OHC2 33; OHC2 34; OHC2 35; OHC2 40; OHC2 41; OHC2
42; OHC2 43
Carr, Terry (Pro, Fan)
Carson, David
Carter, Jimmy, President of the United States
Carter, Paul (Academic)
Cary, Kittredge (Fan)
Cassutt, Michael (Pro)
Cat People (Motion Picture)
Caughey, Carolyn
Causgrove, Jackie (Fan)
Cave, Hugh B. (Pro)
Chalfin, Greg (Fan)
Chalker, Jack (Pro, Fan, Publishing)
Chandler, A. Bertram (Pro)
Charnas, Suzy McKee (Pro)
Cherryh, C. J. (Pro, Fan)
Chicago. Worldcon
Chicon IV 1982 (Worldcon: Chicago)
Ciencin, Scott (Pro)
Cincinnati. Worldcon
Cinvention 1949 (Worldcon: Cincinnati)
Cirone, Bettina
Clareson, Thomas Dean (Academic)
S AT 2
Clarion Conference, Michigan State University, 1977
Clarion Conference, Michigan State University, 1980
Clarke, Arthur C (Pro)
Claudia, Susan [pseudonym]
Clayton, Chris (Fan)
Clayton, Jo (Pro)
Clement, Hal (Pro, Fan)
Clifford, Barbara
The Cold Equations (Radio Play)
Conat, Kathleen (Agent)
ConClave 1 1976
ConClave 2 1977
L CM 10; MSU 5; WS 8; WS 14
ConClave 3 1978
ConClave 4 1979
ConClave 5 1980
ConClave 9 1984
ConClave 10 1985
ConFederation 1986 (Worldcon: Atlanta)
Conference on Teaching Science Fiction (3rd : 1978
: Eastern Michigan University)
Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts (9th : 1988
: Dania, Florida)
ConFusion 6 and/or 7 1980 [See the Introduction for an explanation of
ConFusion 13 1975
ConFusion 14 1977
ConFusion Pi 1978
ConFusion, E/C2 1979
ConFusion, Nine Billion Names of
ConFusion 11 1982
ConFusion 101 1983
ConFusion, Genuine 1984
ConFusion, Decadent 1985
ConFusion, Perpetual 1986
Connect-A-Con 1992
ConQuest 16 1985
Conspiracy '87 1987 (Worldcon: Brighton)
Constellation 1983 (Worldcon: Baltimore)
Contradiction 6 1986
Contraption 1985
L RB 1
ConVergence 1987
Cornett, Robert (Pro)
Corry, JoAnne (Academic)
Couille, Bruce (Pro)
CouleeCon 1978
Coulson, Buck
Coulson, Juanita (Fan, Pro)
Coulson, Robert (Fan, Pro)
Cowan, Maia (Fan)
Cowper, Richard (Pro)
Coyne, John
Cramer, John M
P WS 84
Crane, Maurice (Academic)
Crayne, Chuck (Fan)
Crews, David
Curtis, Richard (Agent)
Dalkey, Kara (Pro, Fan)
Dalmas, John (Pro)
D'Ammassa, Don (Fan, Pro, Academic)
Datlow, Ellen (Pro, Fan)
Davidson, Avram (Pro, Fan)
Davin, Eric Leif (Pro, Broadcaster)
Davis, Kevin
DeBolt, Joe (Academic)
De Camp, L. Sprague (Pro)
Delap, Richard (Fan)
Delany, Samuel R. (Pro, Critic)
Del Rey, Lester (Pro)
Dern, Daniel P. (Pro, Fan)
Detroit Today (Television Program)
DeVore, Howard (Fan)
Dick, Philip K. (Pro)
Dickson, Gordon R. (Pro)
Douglas, Carol Nelson (Pro)
Douglas, John R. (Pro)
Dowlin, C. Edwin
Dozois, Gardner (Pro)
Durand, Rob
Dyson, Freeman (Physicist)
Eastern Michigan University. Conference on Teaching Science Fiction.
Eastern Michigan University Madrigal Singers
Eastern Michigan University Science Fiction Convention 1976
Eastern Michigan University Science Fiction Convention
for High School Students 1976
Eastern Michigan University Teachers' Conference on
Science Fiction 1975
Eastern New Mexico University
Ehricke, Kraff Arnold (Scientist)
Eisenhower Symposium Lecture (1974 : Johns Hopkins
Eisenstein, Alex (Fan, Pro)
Eisenstein, Phyllis (Pro, Fan)
Eleventh Hour (Radio Program)
Elgin, Suzette Haden (Pro, Fan)
Ellison, Harlan (Pro, Fan)
Elms, Alan (Fan, Academic)
Elrick, George
Emerson, David (Fan)
Engh, M. J. (Pro)
Erikson, Jim
Erlich, Richard (Academic)
Eshbach, Lloyd Arthur (Pro)
Etchison, Dennis (Pro)
EuroCon 1984
Exploring Tomorrow (Radio Program)
Fahnestalk, Steve (Fan)
Falk, Bertil
The Fall of the House of Usherette (Radio Play/Convention
Program Item)
Farber, Gary (Fan, Pro, Publishing)
Farmer, Philip Jose (Pro)
Feist, Raymond (Pro)
Fergusson, P. M. (Pete) (Pro)
Finkbiner, Beth (Fan)
First Fandom meeting, Midwestcon, 1981
First Fandom meeting, Midwestcon, 1986
First Fandom, Members of
Fleischer, Richard (Movies/TV)
Fletcher, Ken (Fan)
Flynn, Michael (Pro)
Flynn, D (Wife of Flynn in
AT 16)
Fontenay, Charles (Pro)
Forward, Robert (Pro)
Foster, Alan Dean (Pro)
Foster, J (Wife of Alan Dean Foster)
P AT 17
Fouts, Roger (Scientist)
Fowler, Ron
Foyster, John (Fan, Critic)
Francoeur, Anna
Francoeur, Robert (Scientist)
Freas, Frank Kelly (Artist)
Freas, Polly (Fan, Wife of Frank Kelly
Frederickson, John (Fan, broadcaster)
Frenkel, Jim (Pro, Publishing)
Friday Night Live (Convention Program Item)
Frost, Greg (Fan, Pro)
Galbreath, Robert (Academic)
Gallun, Ray Z (Pro)
Garcia, Wilma
Gardner, Craig Shaw (Pro)
Gelman, Joseph
General Technics (Organization)
Gerrold, David (Pro, Fan)
Gillespie, Bruce (Fan)
Gillings, Walter (Fan)
Giroux, Leo, Jr. (Pro)
Glass, Bill (Broadcaster)
Glicksohn, Mike (Fan)
Glyer, Mike (Fan)
Godwin, Tom (Pro)
Godwin, Parke (Pro)
Gold, Horace L. (Pro)
Golden, Steve
Goldstein, Lisa (Pro)
Gomoll, Jeanne (Fan)
Goodrich, Bob
Gordon, Joan (Academic)
Gordon, T. J. (Scientist)
Gottlieb, Phyllis
Gottlieb, Sherry (Bookseller, Fan)
Gould, Steve (Pro, Fan)
Grant, Charles L. (Pro, Fan, Publishing)
Green, Roland (Pro, Fan)
Greenberg, Martin H (Academic, Pro)
Gregorian, Vortan
Gregory, Roger (Fan)
Gripple, Evelyn (Publishing)
Grudin, Heather
Gunn, James (Pro, Academic)
Gustafson, Jon (Fan)
Gzkov, Vladimir [pseudonym]
Gzowski, Peter (Broadcaster)
Haddle, Bill (Fan)
Hains, Richard (U.F.O. researcher)
Haldeman, Gay (Fan, Agent)
Haldeman, Joe (Pro, Fan, Academic)
Hale, Bob (Broadcaster)
Hale, Michael
Hall, Peter
Hamilton, Edmond (Pro)
Hamilton, Todd (Pro, Artist, Fan)
Hanke-Woods, Joan (Fan, Artist)
Hannah, Mrs. S. (Fan)
Harding, Lee
Harris, Jeff
Harrison, Harry (Pro, Fan)
Harryhausen, Ray (Movies/TV)
Hartwell, David (Pro)
Haskell, Fred
Hawkins, (Pro or Artist)
Hawkins, S (Wife of Hawkins in AT
Hayes, Allan
Heidelbert College, Tiffin, Ohio
Heinlein, Robert A. (Pro)
Heldreth, Lillian (Academic)
Henson, Jim (Movies/TV)
Herbert, Frank (Pro)
Hevelin, Rusty (Fan)
Hickman, Lynn (Fan)
Hicks, Dorothy
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (Radio Program)
Hodgell, P C (Pro)
Hoffman, Curtis (Fan, Pro)
Hoffman, Lee (Fan, Pro)
Hogan, James P. (Pro)
Holly, Joan C. (Pro)
Holmes, J. Eric (Role Playing Games)
Hooper, Andy (Fan)
Hornig, Charles (Pro, Agent)
Hoskins, Bill (Fan)
Hour 25 (Radio Program)
Huff, Tanya (Pro)
Hull, Elizabeth Anne (Academic)
Hynek, J. Allen (Astronomer)
Hyper, Louise
ICON 2 Iowa City, Iowa 1976
ICON 10 Iowa City, Iowa 1985
Inconjunction 1982
Inconjunction 1985
Inconjunction 1996
Ing, Dean (Pro)
Innes, Dave (Fan)
IE CM 13
Institute for Contemporary Arts (London)
Introcom (Radio Play)
Jack Williamson Lectureship Lecture, Eastern New Mexico
Jackson, Michael (Radio talk show host)
Jadji, Bob
Jarol, Dennis
Jason, Ben (Fan)
Jebens, Harold (Academic)
Johns, Bill
Johnson, Bill (Fan)
Johnson, Keith
Johnson, Robin (Fan)
Jones, Neil R. (Pro)
Jordan, Michaele
Joyce, James (Literary figure)
Kadlec, Margaret (Meg) (Fan)
Karr, Phyllis Ann (Pro, Fan)
Kay, Guy Gavriel (pro)
Kay, Margaret (Widow of Stanley G. Weinbaum)
Keifer, Margaret (Fan)
Keller, Ken (Fan)
Kessel, John (Pro)
Keyes, Daniel (Pro)
Killough, Lee (Pro, Fan)
Killough, Pat (Fan, Pro)
P WS 29
Kincaid, Paul
King, Stephen (Pro)
King, Tappan (Pro)
Klein, Jay K. (Fan, Pro)
Knaak, Richard (Pro)
Knight, Damon (Pro)
Knight, Graham (Broadcaster)
Kocol, Hank
Konkin, Samuel Edward, III (Fan)
Kornchuck, Michael (Pro)
Korshak, Erle (Fan)
Kramer, Kathryn (Pro)
Kress, Nancy (Pro)
Kube-McDowell, Michael (Pro)
Kurtz, Katherine (Pro)
Kushner, Ellen (Pro, Fan)
Kusske, John F (Fan)
Kyle, Dave (Fan, Pro)
Lacefield, Mary (Fan)
Lackey, John (Movies/TV)
Lackey, Mercedes (Pro)
LACon 1 1972 (Worldcon: Los
LACon 2 1984
(Worldcon: Los Angeles)
Lacquerment-Ker, Julia (Artist)
Landon, Brooks (Academic)
Lane, Daryl
Lansdale, Joe (Pro)
Laskowski, George "Lan"
(Fan, Academic)
Lasser, David (Pro)
Lavender, Dee Dee (Fan)
Lavender, Ray (Fan)
Lees, Stella
Le Guin, Ursula K. (Pro)
Leiber, Fritz (Pro)
Leiber, Justin (Pro)
Leigh, Steven (Pro)
P AT 41; WS 45; WS 46
Lessing, Doris (Pro)
Lettvin, Jerome Y. (Biologist)
Leventhal, Stan
Levy Haskell, Fred (Fan)
Lien, Denny (Fan)
Linaweaver, Brad (Pro)
Locke, Dave (Fan)
Locke, George
Longyear, Barry (Pro)
Los Angeles. Worldcon
LosCon 4 1977
Lounsbury, Linda (Fan)
Lovel, Bob
Lumley, Brian (Pro)
Lupoff, Richard (Pro, Fan)
Lutz-Nagy, Ro (Fan)
Lynch, Dick (Fan)
Lynch, Nicki (Fan)
Maass, Donald (Agent)
McCaffrey, Anne (Pro)
McCammon, Robert R. (Pro)
McCarthy, Shawna (Pro)
McConnell, James V. (Pro, Scientist)
MacDermott, Aubrey (Fan)
McDowell, David
McGhan, Barry (Academic, Fan, Pro)
McGowan, Christine (Fan)
McGuff, Luke (Fan)
McKillip, Patricia A (Pro)
McKnight, Jack (Fan)
McLaughlin, Dean (Pro, Bookseller)
MacLean, Katherine (Pro)
McQuay, Mike (Pro)
Maddox, Tom (Pro)
Magnum Opus Con 4, 1989
Madle, Robert (Fan, Bookseller)
Mahaffey, Bea (Pro, Fan)
Malcolm, Peter
Mann, Laurie (Fan)
MarCon 7 1972
MarCon 10 1975
MarCon 14 1979
MarCon 19 1984
MarCon 21 1986
MarCon 23 1988
MarCon 25 1990
Martin, George R. R. (Pro, Fan)
S WCON 6; WS 21; WS 27; WS 38
Martin, Jim (Fan)
Martino, Joe (Fan)
Matheson, Richard (Pro)
Mc Filed as if spelled Mac
Meacham, Beth (Pro)
Mead, Margaret (Anthropologist)
Meddler's Moon (Radio Play)
Melbourne. Worldcon
Merrill, Judith (Pro)
Merwin, Sam (Pro)
Meyer, Kathleen (Fan)
Meyers, Richard
Michigan State University
Michigan State University Clarion Conference
Midwestcon 27 1976
Midwestcon 28 1977
Midwestcon 31 1980
Midwestcon 32 1981
Midwestcon 34 1983
Midwestcon 35 1984
Midwestcon 36 1985
Midwestcon 37 1986
Miesel, Sandra (Pro, Fan)
Millard, John (Fan)
Miller, Charles (Fan)
Miller, Craig (Fan)
Miller, John J.
Miller, Rich
Minicon 12 1977
Minicon 13 1978
Minicon 19 1983 [Minicon numbering is
sometimes creative.]
Minicon 23 1988
Minsky, Marvin L. (Scientist)
Mitchell, Vickie (Fan)
Monteith, Charles S. (Pro)
The Moon Is New (Radio Play)
Moore, Ken (Fan)
Moore, Mark (Fan)
Morningside (Radio Program)
Morse, Donald (Academic)
Morrow, James (Pro)
MosCon 1 1979
MosCon 8 1986
MosCon 9 1987
MosCon 10 1988
MosCon 11 1989
MosCon 13 1991
Moskowitz, Sam (Fan, Pro)
The Mountain of Diamond (Radio Play)
Mueller, Mary Anne (Fan)
Mueller, Richard (Pro)
Murphy, Jim
Murray, Frieda (Pro, Fan)
Myers, Robert E
Nelson, Ray Faraday (Pro, Fan)
Neufeld, Barney (Fan)
Neville, Margaret (Maggie) (Academic)
New Letters on the Air (Radio Program)
New Orleans. Worldcon
Newport, John
Newsman, Kim
Nicholas, Peter
Nickerson, Lydia (Fan)
Niven, Larry (Pro)
Nicholls, Peter (Fan)
NolaCon 2 1988 (Worldcon: New Orleans)
Noreascon 2 1980 (Worldcon: Boston)
Noresacon 3 1989 (Worldcon: Boston)
Norwood, Warren (Pro)
Nova 2 1977
Nova 8 1983
Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan
Odbert, James (Artist)
Offutt, Andrew (Pro)
Ortleib, Marc (Fan)
Othercon 1980
Pal, George (Movies/TV)
Panshin, Alexei (Pro, Fan)
Patten, Fred (Fan)
Pavlac, Ross (Fan)
Pearson, Paul (Fan)
Pelton, Lee (Fan)
Permian Basin Science Fiction Association
Persell, Roger
Petal, Blue (Fan)
Philcon 1982
Phillips, Alexander M. (Fan)
Pierce, J. R. (Scientist, Pro)
Pittcon 1960 (Worldcon: Pittsburgh)
Pittsburgh. Worldcon
Plachta, Dannie (Fan, Pro)
Pohl, Frederik (Pro)
Pohl, Frederik, IV
Pollack, Rachel (Pro)
Pollotta, Nicholas (Pro)
Ponte, Lowell (Science writer)
Popular Culture Association Meeting (1980 : Kalamazoo)
Popular Culture Association Meeting (1984 : Toronto)
Potter, Karrie
Potter, Jon
Pournelle, Jerry (Pro)
Powers, Tim (Pro)
Poyer, David (Pro)
Price, Doug (Fan)
Propp, Larry (Fan)
QCon 2 1973
Quigley, Rob
Rabkin, Eric (Academic)
Radio Noon (Radio Program)
Randall, Kevin (Pro)
Randall, Marta (Pro)
Ray, Brandon
Raymond, Victor (Fan)
Readercon 2 1988
Resnick, Carol (Fan)
Resnick, Mike (Pro, Fan)
Reynolds, Roger (Fan)
Reynolds, Ted (Pro, Fan)
Rhine, John (Broadcaster)
Rhine, Sharon
Rivercon 1981
Rivercon XI 1986
Rivercon XIII 1988
Robins, Arlin (Fan)
Robinson, Frank (Pro)
IE MISC 10; OHC2 21; OHC2 39
Robinson, Jeanne (Pro)
Robinson, Spider (Pro)
Romm, Dave (Fan)
Rosenberg, Joel (Pro, Fan)
Rothman, D. (Fan)
Rothstein, Allan (Fan)
RoVaCon 11 1986
Rusch, Kristine K. (Pro)
Russ, Joanna (Pro, Academic)
Russell, Roy
Saberhagen, Fred (Pro)
Sadler, Tom (Fan)
Saint Vincent College, Latrobe, Pennsylvania
Salant, Roger Joseph (Pro)
Salmonson, Jessica Amanda (Pro, Fan)
Serebriakov, Victor (International president of Mensa)
Sargent, Pamela (Pro)
Satterfield, Jim (Fan)
Saucer of Loneliness (Song)
Saxton, Josephine (Pro)
Sawyer, Robert J. (Pro)
Schlobin, Roger (Academic)
Schmidt, Mel (Fan)
Schmidt, Stanley (Pro)
Schomburg, Alex (Artist)
S AT 6
Schwartz, Julius (Pro, Fan)
Science Fiction Conventions (Radio Program)
Science Fiction Oral History Association Meeting at
ConClave 10, 1985
Science Fiction Oral History Conference, First, 1977
Science Fiction Oral History Conference, Second, 1984
Science Fiction Radio Show (Radio Program)
Science Fiction Research Association Meeting (1977
: Evanston, Il.)
Science Fiction Research Association Meeting (1985
: Kent State Univ.)
Science Hall, Shanghai
Scithers, George P. (Pro, Fan)
Scott, Jack (Friend of Robert E. Howard)
IE WB 10
Scrivner, Joyce (Fan)
Seyle, Hans (Physician)
SF Newsletter for the Blind
Shauf, Mary
Shaw, Bob (Pro, Fan)
Shaw, Larry (Pro)
Shaw, Nancy Tucker (Fan)
Shepherd, Anna
Sherman, Delia (Pro)
Sherred, Mary Lu (Fan)
Sherred, Tom L. (Pro)
Shinn, Thelma
Shockwave (Radio Program)
Shorter, Elliott (Fan, Bookseller)
Sidman, Ann
Silverberg, Robert (Pro, Fan)
Simak, Clifford (Pro)
Simmons, Steve (Fan)
Simons, Walton
Sims, Roger (Fan)
Sinberg, Ran
Sinclair, Ralph
Singh, Kerpal (Academic)
Singer, Jon (Fan)
Siodmak, Curt (Pro, Movies/TV)
Slonczewski, Joan (Pro)
Smith, E. E. (Doc) (Pro)
Smith, Paula (Fan, Pro)
Smoke (Fan)
Snodgrass, Melinda (Pro)
Sound on Film (Radio Program)
SpaceCon 1980
Springer, Mark
Stamey, Sara
Stearns, Jerry (Fan)
Stephenson, Andrew (Pro)
Sterling, S. M. (Pro)
Steward, Valerie
Stocks, Dennis
Storey, Jonna
Stout, Manny (Fan)
Straczynski, J. Michael (Movies/TV, Fan)
Strickland, Brad (Pro)
Strugatsky, Arkady (Pro)
Strugatsky, Boris (Pro)
Stuck on the Shoulder of the Road to Science Fiction
(Convention Program Item)
Sturgeon, Theodore (Pro)
Sucharitkul, Somtow (Pro, Fan)
Sullivan, Geri (Fan)
Sunday Night Radio 2 (Australian Radio Program)
Tabakow, Lou (Fan, Pro)
Tarr, Dale (Fan)
Tarr, Judith (Pro)
Tatge, Richard (Fan)
Teitler, Stuart
Temple, William (Pro, Fan)
Thomas, Christopher (Broadcaster)
Thompson, Jeff
Thomsen, Brian (Publishing)
Thompson, Don A. (Pro, Fan)
Thomson, Clifford
Thornley, Diann (Pro)
To Touch the Stars (Radio Play)
Toffler, Alvin (Futurist)
Trestrail, Al (Fan)
Trestrail, Verna (Fan, Academic, Daughter of E. E.
Triangulum (Convention) 1985
Triple Fanfare (Convention) 1967
Tucker, Bob
Tucker, Larry (Fan)
Tucker, Nancy
Tucker, Wilson (Pro, Fan)
Turner, George (Pro)
Turpen, Paul
Tuttle, Lisa (Pro, Fan)
Tymn, Marshall (Academic)
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Van Vogt, A. E. (Pro)
Varley, John (Pro)
Vernon, Bill
Vinge, Joan (Pro)
P CM 44
Vinge, Vernor (Pro)
Vonarburg, Elisabeth (Pro)
Vonnegut, Kurt (Pro)
Wagner, Karl Edward (Pro, Fan)
Waldrop, Howard (Pro, Fan)
Walker, Forrest
Waller, Reed (Fan)
Wallis, Michael (Fan)
Waren, Bill
Warren, Bill (Pro)
Webb, Sharon (Pro)
Weinberg, Robert (Pro)
Westercon 28
Westervelt, Brad
Westley, Brian (Fan)
When You Give Me Your Heart (Song)
Wilhelm, Kate (Pro)
Wilkins, Maurice (Scientist)
Williams, Paul O (Pro)
Williams, Walter Jeff
Williamson, Blanch Slaten (Wife of Jack Williamson)
Williamson, Chet (Chet)
Williamson, Jack (Pro)
IP ENMU 16-17; ENMU 26; ENMU 27
Williamson Lectureship Lecture, Eastern New Mexico University
Willis, Connie (Pro)
Wilson, F. Paul (Pro)
Wilson, Robin Scott (Pro, Academic)
Windycon 7 1980
Windycon 10 1983
Windycon 11 1984
Windycon 12 1985
Windycon 13 1986
Windycon 14 1987
Winter, Guy
Wiscon 1 1977
Wiscon 5 1981
Wiscon 7 1983
Wiscon 9 1985
Wiscon 10 1986
Wise, John
Wold, Allen (Pro)
Wolfe, Gary K. (Pro, Academic, Fan)
Wolfe, Gene (Pro)
Wolfe, Rosemary (Wife of Gene Wolfe)
Wolheim, Donald (Pro, Publishing)
Wolheim, Elsie (Publishing)
Wood, Ed (Fan, Publishing)
Wood, Susan (Fan, Academic)
Woodhams, Jack (Pro)
World Fantasy Convention, Seattle, 1989
World Science Fiction Convention
WorldSF (International organization of science fiction
Worley, Kate (Fan)
Wrede, Patricia (Pro)
Wright, Glenn (Academic)
Wu, Diane Gallagher (Fan)
Wu, Dingbo (Academic)
Wu, William F. (Pro)
X-1 (Radio Program)
Yaco, Murray (Pro)
Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn (Pro)
Ye, Yonglie (Pro)
Yoder, David (Fan)
Yolen, Jane (Pro)
Young, George (Fan)
Zahn, Timothy
Zelazny, Roger (Pro, Fan)
Zimmerman, Howard