This subject index is necessarily incomplete.  In most cases I did not hear the tape and had to rely on the descriptions in the catalog, many of which are very cryptic.  In some cases I made inferences about what the subject probably was.  You should read the catalog description carefully before deciding whether or not to listen to the tape.  There is no entry for "science fiction" because most of the tapes are about science fiction, but there are entries for subsets and related genres such as space opera, hard science fiction, and fantasy.  Personal names here are for tapes on which the individuals do not appear.  People talking about themselves and their work can be found in the Name Index. 

Ace Books 

FP 9 

Alternative history 

WS 51 

Analog (magazine) 

MSU 20 


MISC 42 


WS 49; WS 82 

Asimov, Isaac 

CAN 1; MISC 36 

Astronomy and astrophysics 

AT 42; FP 26-27; FP 43-42; MSU 58 


See also Writers and writing 

AT 19; AT 35; CM 1; CM 33; CM 57-58; ENMU 28; MSU 17; MSU 28; MSU 30; MSU 34; MSU 48; WCON 22; WS 1; WS 13; WS 20; WS 36; WS 37; WS 41; WS 42; WS 45; WS 46; WS 47; WS 48; WS 63-64; WS 79; WS 82 


AT 15; AT 34; AUS 1,5; CM 1; CM 3; CM 6; CM 7; CM 44; CM 61; MSU 1; MSU 16; MSU 27; RB 6; WCON 10; WS 13; WS 52 

Bester, Alfred 

MISC 32 

Blish, James 

MSU 36-37 

Bond, Nelson 

CM 5 

Brackett, Leigh 

CM 4; OHC2 27; OHC2 28; OHC2 29-30; OHC2 31; OHC2 32; OHC2 33; OHC2 34; OHC2 35; OHC2 36; OHC2 40; OHC2 41; OHC2 42; OHC2 43 

Campbell, John W., Jr. 

CM 4; ENMU 26; MISC 32; MSU 19; MSU 38; RB 7; SP 6; WCON 1; WCON 2; WCON 3; WCON 4 

Collectors and collecting 

WS 80 

Comic books 

AT 40 


ENMU 12; FP 23-24; WS 62 

Convention miscellanea: opening ceremonies, skits, etc. 

AT 6; AT 15; AT 28; AT 32; AUS 1,5; AUS 18; CM 41; CM 45; MISC 40; MSU 1; MSU 3; MSU 14; MSU 16; MSU 28; MSU 42; MSU 43; MSU 50; WS 9; WS 10; WS 30; WS 35; WS 39; WS 41; WS 52; WS 57 

Conventions and con running 

AT 13; AUS 4; AUS 13; CM 1; CM 3; CM 5; CM 13; CM 44; CM 63; MISC 3; MISC 16; MISC 24; MSU 14; MSU 18; MSU 28; RB 3; WCON 27; WCON 28 


AT 40; MSU 6 

Critics and reviewers 

AUS 16; CM 44; ENMU 15; ENMU 28; WS 34



CM 1 

Dark fantasy 

See Horror and dark fantasy 


AUS 10,12 

Dungeons and Dragons (R) 

WB 9 


WS 33; WS 45 


CM 22 


MSU 6; MSU 25 

Ellison, Harlan 

CM 4; WS 65 


FP 6 

Extra-sensory perception 

CM 1 

Fandom and fan history 

AT 7; AT 32; AT 37; AUS 7; CM 1; CM 3; CM 5; CM 10; CM 12; CM 13; CM 32; CM 44; MISC 23; MISC 24; MISC 39-40; MSU 10; MSU 18; MSU 28; MSU 40; OHC2 2; RB 3; RB 4; WCON 11; WCON 25; WS 40 


See also Horror and dark fantasy 

AT 3; MSU 28; WB 7; WCON 15; WS 26; WS 76; WS 80; WS 84 


CM 44; MISC 38; MSU 28 

Fate (Magazine) 

CM 2 

First Fandom (Organization) 

CM 3; RB 4; RB 6 

Flying saucers 

AUS 8; CM 1; WB 8 


AUS 10,12 

Future, The 

CM 46; CM 55; ENMU 1; ENMU 7; ENMU 8; ENMU 9-10; FP 6; FP 19-20; FP 21-23; FP 23-24; FP 25; FP 26-27; FP 28-30; FP 31; FP 32; FP 39-41; FP 43-42; FP 44,33-34; MSU 2; MSU 31; MSU 54; MSU 55 

Genetic engineering 

ENMU 28 

Gernsback, Hugo 

ELD 1; ELD 2-3; ELD 8; WCON 25 

Gold, H. L. 


Hamilton, Edmond 

CM 4; OHC2 27; OHC2 28; OHC2 29-30 OHC2 31; OHC2 32; OHC2 33; OHC2 34; OHC2 35; OHC2 36; OHC2 40; OHC2 41; OHC2 42; OHC2 43 

Hard science fiction 

CM 48; CM 54; MSU 57; WB 11 

Heinlein, Robert A. 

AT 30; CM 4; MSU 27; WCON 27 


WS 78 

History of science fiction 

ENMU 22; ENMU 25; ENMU 26; OHC2 3; OHC2 4; OHC2 9-12; WB 4; WCON 22; WS 26; WS 40; WS 73 


ENMU 32; ENMU 34 

Horror and dark fantasy 

See also Fantasy 

WCON 15; WS 72; WS 74; WS 75; WS 77; WS 85 

Howard, Robert E. 

WB 10 

Hubbard, L. Ron 

MISC 37 

Hugo Awards   

See Awards 


ENMU 8; ENMU 9-10; FP 39-41; MISC 41 

Ice ages 

CM 49 

Infinity Science Fiction (Magazine) 

MISC 34 


MSU 35; MSU 53; SP 1-3 

Jell-O (R), Lime

See Lime Jell-O (R) 

Keller, David 

MISC 32 

Kornbluth, Cyril 

CM 5 

Kuttner, Henry 

RB 6 

Lancer Books 

MISC 34 


MSU 6 

Leiber, Fritz 

AT 43 

Le Guin, Ursula 

WS 15, 5 

L-5 Society 

MSU 46 

Lime Jell-O (R) 

WS 38 

Locus (Magazine) 

WB 2 


CM 2; ELD 1; ELD 2-3; ELD 8; ENMU 22; ENMU 31; FP 37-38; MISC 34; WCON 21; WS 73 

Michigan Science Fiction Society (Misfits) 

MSU 18 


FP 44,33-34 

Milford Conference 

MSU 44; WS 8 

Minneapolis Fantasy Society 

MSU 40 

Minnesota Science Fiction Society 

MISC 39-40; MSU 28 

Minorities in science fiction 

WCON 2; WS 35-36 

Mystic (Magazine) 

CM 2 

Myths and legends in science fiction 

AUS 15-16; ENMU 20; ENMU 29; WS 79 

Nebula Awards  

See Awards 


FP 25 

Novelizations of films 

MSU 64 

Other Worlds (Magazine) 

CM 2 

Palmer, Ray 

CM 2; CM 17 


AUS 12 

Prediction in science fiction 

MSU 63 


FP 21-23 

Publishing and book trade 

FP 9; MISC 34; WS 27; WS 60; WS 79 


See Critics and reviewers 

Rocklynne, Ross 

CM 5 

Science fiction art 

AT 5; AT 16; AUS 3; AUS 9-11; CM 9; CM 59; MISC 4; MSU 33; WS 60 

Science fiction films and television 

AT 40; CAN 2; CM 75; ENMU 1; ELD 10; FP 10; FP 11-12; FP 13-14; FP 15; FP 16,18; FP 17; MISC 27; MSU 33; MSU 64; OHC2 1; WB 1; WB 7; WCON 8; WCON 12; WCON 24; WS 55; WS 58; WS 65 

Science Fiction Oral History Association 

CM 45; MSU 53; RB 7; SP 5; WS 44 

Science fiction scholarship 

ENMU 18; ENMU 19 

Science fiction weaponry 

WS 9 

Science Fiction Writers of America 

CM 6 

Science Wonder Stories and Wonder Stories Quarterly 

ELD 1 


FP 32; WS 13; WS 69 

Shared Worlds 

AT 10; AT 41; WCON 14 

Shaver, Richard S 

CM 2 

Sheep in science fiction 

AUS 13 

Sherred, T. L. 

SP 10-11 

Short fiction 

WS 43; WS 53; WS 61 

Singer, Donald Benjamin 

MSU 18 

Smith, E. E. (Doc)


 AT 1; AT 27; AT 40; AT 43; CM 2; CM 4; CM 5; CM 15; MSU 52; OHC2 13-14; OHC2 28; OHC2 30; OHC2 31 

Smith, George O. 

CM 4 

Soft science fiction 

MSU 60 

Space exploration 

AT 14; AT 42; CM 1; FP 31; MISC 33; MSU 46; MSU 58; WS 6 

Space law 

AUS 9 

Space war 

AUS 8 

Space opera 

ENMU 13; ENMU 25; WS 32 

Stapledon, Olaf 

AT 43 

Strategic Defensive Initiative ("Star Wars") 

WS 39 

Sturgeon, Theodore 

AT 43; WS 70 

Superman (comic character) 

AUS 19 

Tanner, Charles 

CM 5 

Teaching science fiction 

AUS 17; CM 69-70; CM 73; ENMU 28; WS 5; WS 7,9 

Translating science fiction 

WS 58


2001 (Motion picture) 


Unidentified Flying Objects

See Flying saucers 

Universe (Magazine) 

CM 2 


ENMU 11; MSU 2; SP 4 


WCON 19 


WS 85 

Weinbaum, Stanley G. 

ELD 6-7 

Weisinger, Mort 

MISC 32 

Williamson, Jack 

CM 4; ENMU 14 

Women in science fiction 

CM 53; ENMU 20; ENMU 21; MSU 27; MSU 56; OHC2 5; WS 4; WS 49 

Wonder Stories 

ELD 1; ELD 2 

Writers and writing 

See also Authorship 

AT 17; CM 4; CM 7; CM 58; ENMU 15; MSU 2; MSU 11; MSU 34; MSU 39; MSU 48; MSU 64; WS 29

Writers of the Future 

MISC 37; WS 42 

Wyndham, John 

AT 2

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