O R A L   H I S T O R Y   A S S O C I A T I O N                                         

SFOHA Series WS consists of tapes copied from the collection of Wally Smart, a Michigan Science Fiction and audio fan. Mr. Smart is a case manager for Community Mental Health and works with retarded people. He has been a tape recorder fan since he was a child, taping anything he could as a hobby--TV sound, motion picture sound, at one time he had 35 "tape pals" all over the world, corresponding on tape. When he became an active Science Fiction fan, it was natural for him to record events at Science Fiction Conventions and SFRA Meetings. He is no longer attending conventions, and SFOHA sorely misses him. While he was active, he made the largest contribution to the oral history collection by an individual. 

     Because he recorded from the audience, the audio on his tapes varied in quality, but that quality improved remarkably as he gained experience and improved his equipment. With his later tapes he placed his microphone on the speaker's table with enhanced results. SFOHA is grateful to him for items that the collection otherwise would have missed completely. 

     In addition to the tapes of Series WS Mr. Smart also contributed tapes to other series. He attended the 2nd Science Fiction Oral History Conference, held in January, 1984, and served as one of the technicians there. Those tapes have their own series, OHC2. He also contributed three tapes made at the World Science Fiction Convention in Los Angeles in September, 1984. They were placed in the special World Science Fiction Convention series, WCON, as numbers 5, 6, and 7. 

     Because this is a personal collection, there are occasional "other side of the tape" items that are not relevant to Science Fiction scholarship, but we are following Mr. Smart's own numbering system as closely as possible, and we have made no effort to drop or replace those items. They're marked **. 

     Descriptions of the WS tapes are based entirely on Smart's own summaries concerning contents and audio quality. 

     Side A.  Ben Bova, Minicon Guest of Honor Speech.  Introduced by Joe Haldeman, Toastmaster.  Minicon 12, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Easter Weekend, 1977.

     Side B.  Ibid.  Panel Discussion, "Creating Alien Creatures."  Clifford Simak, Gordon Dickson, Juanita Coulson, and Ruth Berman.  Poor audio quality. 

     Side A.  Guest of Honor Speeches by Pro GOH Katherine MacLean and Fan GOH Amanda Bankier.  WisCon I, Madison, Wisconsin, 2/12/77.  Very good audio.

     Side B.  "Dialog with Gene Wolfe."  Tom Clareson interviews Gene Wolfe.  SFRA Meeting, Evanston, IL, 6/18/77.  High background noise, difficult to understand. 

     Both Sides.  Frank Herbert, Guest of Honor Speech.  ICon 2, Iowa City, Iowa, 11/6/76.  Speech concludes on Side B with Q&A.  Excellent audio.  Mr. Smart has a transcript of the speech taken from this tape. 

     Both Sides.  Panel Discussion, "Feminism and SF."  Mary Kenny Badami and Elizabeth Hull.  SFRA Meeting, Evanston, IL, 6/18/77.  Background noise but still understandable. 

     Side A.  "Magazines in the Classroom."  Discussion by Ben Bova and James Gunn.  Fred Pohl takes part in Q&A.  SFRA Meeting, Evanston, IL., 6/18/77. High background noise but understandable.

     Side B.  Ibid.  Discussion of the work of Ursula Le Guin led by Dr. Robert Galbreath.  High background noise.  Continuation of WS--15? 

     Both Sides.  "L-S Space Colonization."  Presentation by Dr. Harold Jebens at ICon II, Iowa City, 11/6/76.  Excellent audio, easily understandable. 

     Both Sides.  "How I'd Like SF Taught in the Classroom."  Panel moderated by Tom Clareson.  Ben Bova, Algis Budrys, George Elrick, James Gunn, Phyllis Eisenstein, Fred Pohl, Gene Wolfe.  Audio mostly understandable despite echo.  SFRA Meeting, Evanston, IL., 6/17/77.  This item is concluded on tape WS--9. 

     Side A.  "The Milford Mafia Rides Again."  Panel discussion about the Milford Conference, a summer writing conference for professional SF authors.  Ben Bova, Frederik Pohl, Lloyd Biggle.  Excellent audio.  ConClave II, 11/24/77. 

     Side B**.  President Carter's First Energy Speech, etc. 

     Side A.  "Passing the Hat for Beer Money at ICon." Illustration of by-play at a Science Fiction Convention.  Followed by the panel, "SF Weaponry," with Joe Haledman, Gordon Dickson, and Wilson "Bob" Tucker, moderated by Mark Moore.  More convention by-play follows.  ICon 2, 11/6/76.  Good Audio. 

     Side B.  "How I'd Like SF Taught in the Classroom."  Panel moderated by Tom Clareson with Ben Bova, Algis Budrys, George Elrick, James Gunn, Phyllis Eisenstein, Fred Pohl, Gene Wolfe.  SFRA Meeting, Evanston, IL, 6/17/77.  Conclusion of the panel discussion begun on tape WS--7.  

     Side A.  Interview with Alan Dean Foster conducted by Kathleen Meyer.  Q&A.  WindyCon XI, Schaumberg, IL, December, 1984. Mic on the table, stereo.    

Side B.  Ibid.  Opening ceremonies at Windycon XI.  A.J. Budrys, toast-master; Joan Hanke-Woods, artist GoH; Alan Dean Foster, Pro GoH.  Taped from the audience in stereo. 

     Side A.  C.J. Cherryh, Guest of Honor Speech.  ConFusion 101, Plymouth, Michigan, 1/29/83.  Good Audio.

     Side B.  George R.R. Martin reading his story, "For a Single Yesterday."  Most of story included, but tape runs out before end.  Archon 1, St. Louis, MO., 7/16/77. 

     Side A.  Robert Silverberg, interviewed by Marta Randall.  ChiCon IV, World Science Fiction Convention, Labor Day Weekend, 1982.  Very good audio.

     Side B**.  Cat People sound track. 

     Side A.  "What My Hugo Means to Me" panel discussion with Kelly Freas, Fred Pohl, Wilson "Bob" Tucker, and David Brin.  WindyCon XI, Schaumburg, IL, 12/8/84.  WS comments, "Surprising honesty."  Microphone on speaker's table, stereo.

     Side B.  Ibid.  Conclusion of Side A panel.  "Sex on an Alien Planet" panel discussion with Wilson "Bob" Tucker, David Brin, and Mike Resnick.  WS comments, "Brin manages to alienate the female audience."  Stereo. 

     Both Sides.  Ben Bova, Guest of Honor Speech, with Introduction by Robert Heinlein.  ConClave II, 11/24/77.  High background noise at beginning, Heinlein audio very low but understandable.  Bova Audio good. 

     Side A.  George R.R. Martin reading from work in progress, Armageddon Rag.  ChiCon IV, Chicago, Labor Day Weekend, 1982.

     Side B.  Continuation of Q&A from Side A reading.  Discussion of Ursula Le Guin at the SFRA meeting, Chicago, 6/18/77.  Participants are introduced on the tape.  Concluded on WS--5? 

     Both Sides.  George R.R. Martin reading from Armageddon Rag,  a novel in progress.  Archon 6, St. Louis, 7/24/82.  Concluded on tape WS--17.  Note:  Audio on right channel only. 

     Side A.  Stephen King reading from a work in progress, Cannibals (a novel that was never published) followed by Q&A.  Archon 6, St. Louis, 7/24/82.  Excellent audio.

     Side B.  Ibid.  George R.R. Martin reading Armageddon Rag.  Concluded from tape WS--16. 

     Side A.  Pro GoH speech by Marta Randall;  Fan GoH speech by Lee Killough.  WisCon 7, Madison, WI, 2/5/83.

     Side B**. 

     Side A.  David Brin, interviewed by George "Lan" Laskowski at ConClave IX, Plymouth Hilton, Plymouth, MI., 11/3/84.  Q&A.  Mic on table, stereo.

     Side B.  Ibid.  Conclusion of Interview.  GoH speech by David Brin after Conclave IX banquet.  Fan GoH speeches by Robert and Juanita Coulson follow.  Mono. 

     Side A.  C.J. Cherryh, talk, "Building a Galactic Empire."  Marcon XIX, Columbus, O., 5/19/84.

     Side B.  Ibid.  Conclusion of talk from Side A.  GoH Speech by C.J. Cherryh.  (Incomplete, but most of speech was recorded.) 

     Side A.  GoH Speech by George R. R. Martin.  Introduction by Wilson "Bob" Tucker.  WindyCon X, Chicago, 10/7/83.  Stereo.

     Side B.  Ibid.  George R. R. Martin reading his own story, "Remembering Melody."  Stereo. 


     Side A.  George R. R. Martin reads from his novel Armaggedon Rag, to be published the following October.  Q&A.  Archon 7, St. Louis, 7/24/83.

     Side B.  Ibid.  GoH Speeches.  Howard Waldrop, Toastmaster;  Fred Haskell, Fan GoH;  Gene Wolfe, Pro GoH. 

     Side A.  GoH speeches at WisCon 9, Madison, February, 1985.  Lisa Tuttle, Pro GoH.  This portion of the tape is taken from the mono audio portion of a video tape.  Beginning of Lisa Tuttle reading her story, "All the Little Deaths."

     Side B.  Conclusion, Lisa Tuttle reading her story.  Q&A follows.  This portion is recorded in stereo with both mikes on the speaker's table. 

     Both Sides:  Author readings from ConQuest 16, held at Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge in Kansas City, MO., May 17-19, 1985.  Recordings of 5/18/85, all in stereo/Dolby B. 

     Side A.  Algis J. Budrys reads from three different works:  1) A short story to appear in Last Dangerous Visions, "Living Alone in the Jungle."  2) A short story that features Budrys's singing.  3) Parts of his new novel, Hard Landing.

     Side B.  Conclusion of Budrys's readings.  William F. Wu reading his recently sold story entitled, "Dead White Woman."  C.J. Cherryh reading from her unpublished novel, Angel with the Sword.        

     Both sides:  Author readings from ConQuest 16, 5/18/85, recorded in stereo/Dolby B. 

     Side A.  Warren Norwood reads from a novel, Cradle to Grave, by "Susan Claudia," a pseudonym for Mike McQuay, who was scheduled to read but was ill.

     Side B.  John Kessel reads his most recently published story, which appeared in the May, 1985 issue of Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, "A Clean Escape." 

     Side A.  Suzette Haden Elgin reads her own work:  A short story, "What Shall We Do With Your Little Sisters," and from a forthcoming novel, a sequel to Native Tongue.  ConQuest 16, 5/19/85.  Stereo/Dolby B.  Mikes on the speaker's table.

     Side B.  Panel discussion of the origins of SF vs the origins of fantasy.  Which came first?  James Gunn, John Kessel, and Brian Thomsen.  Panel moderated by Paul O. Williams.  ConQuest 16, 5/19/85.  Stereo/Dolby B.  Mikes on the speakers' table. 

     Side A.  Panel, "It's In Print, Now What?"  Discussion of the book business with George R.R. Martin, moderator, Robert "Buck" Coulson and Warren Norwood.  ConQuest 16, 5/19/85.  Stereo/Dolby B.  Mikes on table.  Continued on Side B.

     Side B.  Conclusion of panel discussion of book business, followed by GoH speeches from same convention.  A.J. Budrys, toastmaster;  Buck and Juanita Coulson, Fan GoHs;  George R.R. Martin, Pro GoH.  Dolby B.  Mono audio taken from videotape. 

     Both Sides: Author's readings from ConQuest 16, Kansas City, MO., May, 1985.

     Side A.  George R.R. Martin reads two chapters from a novel in progress entitled, Black and White and Red All Over.  Stereo/Dolby B.  Mikes on the speakers table.  Concluded on Side B.

     Side B.  Conclusion of George R.R. Martin reading.  Warren Norwood reads a story entitled, "The Claws That Catch," under the title, "Why This Story is Too Heavy for Playboy."  Stereo/Dolby B.  Mikes on the speaker's table. 

     Both Sides:  Panel, "On Being a Pro."  C.J. Cherryh, Lee & Pat Killough, and A.J. Budrys, moderated by Warren Norwood.  Discussion of how the fame of a science fiction author holds up away from fandom and conventions.  ConQuest 16, Kansas City, MO., May, 1985.  Stereo/Dolby B.  Mikes on speakers' table. 

     Side A.  Opening Ceremonies, Triangulum, Milwaukee, 8/30/85.  Speeches by Harlan Ellison and David Gerrold, with the usual introductions.

     Side B.  Ibid., 8/31/85.  Chatter from Harlan Ellison prior to his reading.  He talks about his favorite topics:  SF, racism, state of Fandom, and the world at large.  Taped from the audience.  Approx. 40 minutes. 

     Both Sides.  Triangulum Brunch.  Milwaukee, 9/31/85.  Harlan Ellison, David Gerrold, and Isaac Asimov (who joins in by telephone connection). 

     Side A. Panel, "Space Opera," with Frederik Pohl, Frank Kelly Freas, Richard Meyers, and Timothy Zahn (and joined by Jack Williamson). Taped from the audience, 45 minutes of the hour panel. WindyCon XII, October 12, 1985.

     Side B. Connie Willis reading the first two chapters of a work in progress, the novel Lincoln's Dreams, followed by Q&A.  WindyCon XII, Sunday morning, October 13, 1985. 

     Both Sides: Panel, "Editing SF," with Frederik Pohl and Brian Thomsen (of Warner Books.) WindyCon XII, October 13, 1987. 

Both Sides:  Panel, "Criticism in SF," with Buck Coulson, Martin Greenberg, and Gary Wolfe, moderated by Algis Budrys. WindyCon XII, October 13, 1985. 

     Side A. Opening Ceremonies, speeches with Algis J. Budrys as Toastmaster, Pro GoH C.J. Cherryh, Artist GoH Todd Hamilton, and Kathleen Meyer, Con Chairperson. Concluded on Side B. WindyCon XII, October 11, 1985.

     Side B. Conclusion of Opening Ceremonies, followed by Part I of the Panel, "Minorities in SF," with C.J. Cherryh, Roland Green, Barry Longyear, and "Smoke"  Concluded on tape WS--36. WindyCon XII, October, 1985. 

     Side A. Part II of the panel, "Minorities in SF." (Concluded from WS--35, Side B.) Cherryh, Green, Longyear, "Smoke". Followed by Part I of the panel, "Researching SF," with Paul 0. Williams, Connie Willis, Timothy Zahn, and Lee Killough. Concluded on Side B. WindyCon XII, October, 1985.

     Side B. Part II of the panel, "Researching SF." Williams, Willis, Zahn, Killough. WindyCon XII, October, 1985. 

     Both Sides. Panel, "Creating a Universe"  C.J. Cherryh, David Brin, and Jack Williamson. WindyCon XII, October 13, 1985. 

     Side A. Guest of Honor speeches. Fan GoH Joe Haldeman introduces Pro GoH George R.R. Martin. After Martin's speech, Haldeman answers questions from the audience and delivers an hilarious account of the lime Jell-O (R) incident now famous in SF fandom. ICon X, October 26, 1985.

     Side B. George R.R. Martin reading an unpublished story scheduled to appear in Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, "The Glass Flower." ICon X, October 27, 1985. 

    Both Sides. "Stories of ICon Past." Mark Moore, moderator, Brandon Ray, Bill Johnson, and Joe Haldeman. Concluded on Side B with a discussion of the "Star Wars" defense system. Following the panel is a performance by Joe Haldeman, singing and accompanying himself on the guitar.  Wally Smart notes, "Recorded with permission." ICon X, October, 1985. 

     Both Sides. Panel, "The SF Generation Gap."  George R.R. Martin and Ken Keller (Old Pro and Old Fan) VS Richard Mueller and Lydia Nickerson (New Pro and New Fan). Moderated by Mark Moore. ICon X, October 26, 1985. 

     Side A. Part I, Panel discussing "Collaborations"--in which two people work together to write Science Fiction. Poul and Karen Anderson, Roland Green and Frieda Murray. Moderator is Brad Westervelt. Concluded on Side B. Conclave X, November 9, 1985.

     Side B. Part II, Panel discussing "Collaborations," concluded from Side A. Following this are the convention's Opening Ceremonies. Introductions, announcements, no speeches. ConClave X, November 8, 1985. 

     Both Sides.   "Future Writers of the Future," discussion by Algis J. Budrys with writing tips and advice. Q&A at the end. Conclave X, November 10, 1985. 

     Side A. Part I, Panel, "Does Short Fiction get Short Shrift?"  Stan Schmidt, Poul Anderson, George "Lan" Laskowski.  Maia Cowan, moderator.  Concluded on Side B. ConClave X, November, 1985.

     Side B. Part II, Panel, "Does Short Fiction get Short Shrift?" Schmidt, Anderson, Laskowski, and Cowan, concluded from Side A. Followed by the Panel, "Obscure Pleasures," concerning personal favorites in books and stories that aren't widely popular. Mike Resnick, George "Lan" Laskowski, Wilma Garcia. Mark Bernstein, Moderator. Conclave X, November, 1985. 

     Both Sides. Science Fiction Oral History Association meeting at ConClave X, November 10, 1985.


     Both Sides. Panel, "You Did What to My Character?!?!" Discussion of editorial tampering and changes with novels and stories. Ted Reynolds, Ray Faraday Nelson, Robert Asprin, Somtow Sucharitkul, Steve Leigh, and Lloyd Biggle, Jr. Perpetual ConFusion, January 25, 1986. 

     Both Sides. Authors' Panel, "Typewriter, Word Processor, or the Old Yellow Pad?" Steve Leigh, Ray Faraday Nelson, Phyllis Gottlieb, Hal Clement, and Michael Kube-McDowell. Perpetual ConFusion, January 24, 1986. 

     Both Sides. Panel, "Blue Crayons and Dot Matrix." Preparing a manuscript for submission--what to do, what not to do. Jim Frenkel, publisher, Kathleen Conat, agent, and Lynn Abbey and Robert Asprin, editors. Maia Cowan, moderator. Perpetual ConFusion, January 25, 1986. 

     Side A. "How to Write in 45 Minutes." Talk and Slide Show about writing by Hal Clement. Perpetual ConFusion, January 25, 1986.

     Side B. Somtow Sucharitkul reads from work in progress called

"Moondance."  Perpetual ConFusion, January 25, 1986. 

     Side A. Suzette Haden Elgin reads from the unpublished sequel to Native Tongue followed by long Q&A session. WisCon X, February 23, 1986

     Side B. Panel, "Good Witches and Bad Witches: Archetypal Female Images in SF & F." Joan Gordon, and P.C. Hodgell. WisCon X, February 23, 1986. 

     Side A. Panel, "The Midnight Hour," conversation about books, etc.  Concluded on Side B. WisCon X, February 22, 1986.

     Side B. Short conclusion of Panel from Side A, followed by music composed by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, "a suite of 6 miniatures for string quartet," performed on the synthesizer by Jim Erikson at GoH dinner.     A premier performance. WisCon X, February, 1986. 

     Side A. Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, interviewed by Suzy Charnas. Wiscon X, February 21, 1986.

     Side B. Panel, "Alternative History in F & SF." Buck Coulson and Sam Konkin discuss the classics. WisCon X, February,. 1986 

     Side A. Awards and speech by GoH Suzette Haden Elgin, who sings songs afterwards and chats with the audience. Concluded on Side B. WisCon X, February 22, 1986.

     Side B. Conclusion of Side A, followed by Opening Ceremonies from the previous night, February 21. Introductions, singing, miscellany. WisCon X, February, 1986. 

     Side A. 1985 Nebula Winner Nancy Kress reads an unpublished story entitled, "Phone Repairs," with Q&A. Contradiction 6, October 3, 1986.  Following this is Part I of the Panel, "Short Fiction vs. Novels."  George R.R. Martin, Nancy Kress, and Tanya Huff. Concluded on Side B.   Contradiction 6, October 4, 1986.

     Side B. Concluded from Side A. Part II of the Panel, "Short Fiction vs. Novels." Martin, Kress, Huff. Q&A Contradiction 6, Oct. 4, 1986. 

     Both Sides. George R.R. Martin reading, "Winter's Chill," a story to be included in the second volume of Wild Cards, a shared world anthology (to be published April, 1987.) Introduction and most of story are included (tape ran out prior to the end.) Contradiction 6, October 4, 1986. 

     Side A. Panel, "Print into Film." Authors Barry Longyear and John Varley discuss the problems and process of turning their stories into movies.  WindyCon XIII, November, 1986.

     Side B. Don Wollheim interviewed by Gary Wolfe. WindyCon XIII,

November, 1986. 

     Both Sides. Harry Harrison, interviewed by Mike Glyer. Running time one hour. WindyCon XIII, November 15, 1986.


     Side A. Opening Ceremonies, remarks by Marta Randall, Toastmaster, Artist GoH Arlin Robins, Donald and Elsie Wollheim, and Pro GoH Harry Harrison. Concluded on Side B. WindyCon XIII, November 14, 1986.

     Side B. Opening Ceremonies, Concluded from Side A. WindyCon XIII,

November 14, 1986.  Followed by various readings from John Brunner.  WindyCon XIII, November 15, 1987 

Side A. Panel on Difficulties in translating Science Fiction.  C. J. Cherryh, Elisabeth Vonaraburg (French-Canadian author), and Jane Brierley (translator).  Ad Astra 7/Canvention 7, Toronto, June 12-14, 1987.

Side B. Panel: Is Science Fiction Badly or Well Portrayed in the Media?  Heather Grudin, Marg Baskin, Louise Hyper.  Includes brief question and answer period.  Ad Astra 7/Canvention 7, Toronto, June 12-14, 1987. 

Side A. Guest of Honor speeches at Ad Astra 7/Canvention 7, Toronto, June 12-14, 1987.  Michael Wallis: Toastmaster; Diana Gallagher Wu, Fan GoH; Elisabeth Vonarburg: Second Pro GoH; C. J. Cherryh: Pro GoH.  Followed by miscellaneous announcements.

Side B. Elisabeth Vonarburg interviewed by Jane Brierley at Ad Astra 7/Canvention 7, Toronto, June 12-14, 1987.  Parts of the interview are in French. 

Side A. Panel: Words and Pictures: Do Covers Sell Books?  Guy Gavriel Kay (Moderator), Kevin Davis, S. M. Sterling, Mark Springer, Michael Hale.  Includes questions and answers.  Ad Astra 7/Canvention 7, Toronto, June 12-14, 1987.

Side B. Elisabeth Vonarburg reads from her works in French.  Ad Astra 7/Canvention 7, Toronto, June 12-14, 1987. 

Both sides. Panel: By the Word, By the Page:  Novels vs. Short Stories.  Beth Meacham, George Scithers, Mercedes Lackey, Gene Wolfe, Maia Cowan, Michael Kube-McDowell, Gary Farber.  Questions and answers at the end.  WindyCon XIV, November 6-8, 1987.   Side B approximately 19 minutes. 

Both sides. Panel: Computers: the next generation.  Doug Price (Moderator), Arlan Andrews, Michael Bentley, Vernor Vinge.  Guy Winter joined at the end of Side A.  WindyCon XIV, November 6-8, 1987. 


 Both sides.  Barry Longyear's Writer's Workshop.  Introduced by George Scithers.  Incidental remarks by Joel Rosenberg.  Longyear discusses writing, then participants read stories aloud and they are critiqued.  WindyCon XIV, November 6-8, 1987. 

Both sides.  Continuation of WS--63. 

Both sides.  Panel discussion of Harlan Ellison's "A Boy and His Dog," comparing the story and the movie.  9th International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, March 19, 1988, Fort Lauderdale Hilton, Davis, Florida.  Richard Erlich, moderator, Rosemarie Arbur, Brooks Landon, Peter Hall, Peter Malcolm, Harlan Ellison.  Side B.  21 minutes. 

Side A.  Tom Maddox reads his story "Baby Strange."  Introduced by Roger Persell.  Followed by questions and answers on the story.   Ninth Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, Fort Lauderdale Hilton, Dania, Florida, Saturday, March 19, 1988. 37 minutes.

Side B.  Blank. 

Both sides.  Donald Wollheim reads his Guest of Honor speech at NoLaCon II, September 2, 1988 (15 minutes). Then he is interviewed by C. J. Cherryh on his career and other matters. 

Both sides.  George R. R. Martin reads from his novel Fevre Dream followed by questions and  answers.  NolaCon II, 46th World Science Fiction Convention, New Orleans, September 4, 1988. 

Both sides.  "Unfortunately Still Too Sensitive:  Discussion of Alternate Sexual Lifestyles in Science Fiction"  Panel.  Readercon 2, Lowell, Massachusetts November 19, 1988.  Stan Leventhal, moderator, Samuel R. Delany, Laurie Mann, Ellen Kushner, Delia Sherman.  Includes questions and answers.  Side B.  25 minutes. 

Both sides.  "Caviar: A Theodore Sturgeon Appreciation."  Panel at Readercon 2. Lowell, Massachusetts, November 18, 1988. David Hartwell, moderator, Daniel P. Dern, Samuel R. Delany, Bernadette Bosky.  Brief question and answer period.  Tape ends in mid-sentence.


Both sides.  Larry Niven's Guest of Honor speech followed by questions and answers.  Magnum Opus Con 4, Greenville, South Carolina, March 17-19, 1989. Side B.  15 minutes, ends in mid-sentence. 

Both sides.  "Horror: Coming of Age."  Panel. Magnum Opus Con 4, Greenville, South Carolina, March 17-19, 1989.  Robert McCammon, Brad Strickland, Brad Linaweaver.  Tape begins while moderator is talking. 

Both sides.  "Remembering Science Fiction Pulps."  Anecdotes by Frederick Pohl and Jack Williamson, joined by Julius Schwartz, with incidental remarks by Sam Moskowitz.  Noreascon 3, Boston, September 1, 1989.  Side B.  5 minutes. 

Both sides.  "Dark Fantasy:  Is It Just Another Name For Horror?"  Panel, Noresacon 3, 47th World Science Fiction Convention, Boston, August 31-September 4, 1989. Bruce Couille, substitute moderator, Tappan King, moderator, Leo Giroux, Jr., Scott Ciencin.  Questions and answers.  Excellent audio. 

Both sides.  "The History of Horror" Panel, Noresacon 3, 47th World Science Fiction Convention, Boston, August 31-September 4, 1989.  Kathryn Kramer, moderator, Craig Shaw Gardner, David Hartwell. 

Both sides.  "Fantasy Style - What is (and isn't) appropriate?"  Panel, Noresacon 3, 47th World Science Fiction Convention, Boston, August 31-September 4, 1989.  Patricia C. Wrede, moderator, Gene Wolfe, Lillian Stewart Carl, Patricia A. McKillip, Judith Tarr. Questions and answers. 

Both sides.  "That Nameless Ancient Horror."  Panel. World Fantasy Convention, Sheraton Hotel, Seattle, Washington, October 27, 1989.  Kathryn Kramer, moderator, Hugh B. Cave, Brian Lumley, Raymond Feist, Charles L. Grant.  Questions and answers. 

Both sides.  "Do We Really Need Heroes?"  Panel, World Fantasy Convention, Seattle, Washington, October 27-29, 1989.  F. Paul Wilson, Ed Bryant, Lisa Goldstein, Fritz Leiber, Karl Edward Wagner, Justin Leiber.


Side A.  "Mining Folklore and Orchestrating Myths."  Panel, World Fantasy Convention, Seattle, Washington, October 28, 1989.  Suzy McKee Charnas, moderator, Parke Godwin, Jane Yolen, Robin Bailey, Patricia McKillip.  Some questions and answers.  35 minutes, ends in mid-sentence.

Side B.  "What Publishers Want." Panel, World Fantasy Convention, Seattle, Washington, October 28, 1989. Beth Meacham, moderator, Donald Maass, Carolyn Caughey, David Hartwell, Richard Curtis.  Questions and answers, Gene Wolfe participates from floor. 

Both sides.  "Collecting Early Fantasy" Panel, World Fantasy Convention, Seattle, Washington, October 28, 1989.  Bob Brown, moderator, George Locke, Stuart Teitler, Bill Hoskins, Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Bob Jadji.  Questions and answers. 

Both sides.  An hour with Robert R. McCammon.  World Fantasy Convention, Seattle, October 27, 1989.  He reads from one of his books and answers questions.  Side B.  18 minutes. 

Side A.  "Archetype Versus Characterization" Panel, World Fantasy Convention, Seattle, Washington, October 29, 1989.  Ellen Kushner, moderator, Greg Bear, Lisa Goldstein, Joe Haldeman, Patricia McKillip, Carol Nelson Douglas.  Delia Sherman participates from floor.  Tape runs out while they are still talking.

Side B.  "The Ravenous Best Seller and the Innocent Literary Gem: Recent Trends in Dark Fantasy and Horror. Panel, World Fantasy Convention, Seattle, Washington, October 29, 1989.  Joe Lansdale, Kim Antieau, John Coyne, Tappan King, Robert R. McCammon 

Both sides.  "An Hour with Avram Davidson"  Avram Davidson taking questions from the floor.  World Fantasy Convention, Seattle, Washington, October 27, 1989.  Many questions from Gene Wolfe. 

Both sides.  "The Ghost in the Machine:  How Will Fantasy Literature Respond to the Onslaught of Science and Technology?" Panel, World Fantasy Convention, Seattle, Washington, October 27, 1989.  Greg Bear, John M. Cramer, Gene Wolfe, Jack Williamson, Joe Haldeman.  Poul Anderson participates from floor.  Questions and answers. 

Both sides.  "The Use of Black Magic in Horror and Black Fantasy." Panel, World Fantasy Convention, Seattle, Washington, October 28, 1989.  Sara Stamey, moderator, Hugh B. Cave, Robert Weinberg.  One panelist had lived for many years in Haiti and most of the discussion was about Voodoo.  Tape starts a bit muffled but quickly clears up.

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